Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Getting all Subconscious up in here!

Greetings! Ready for another mind blowing experience on the 13th floor? Fear not, this post isn't a "viewer discretion" one. Figured I would give your morals a break after my Ilsa post. In today's post I will be discussing a frightening and great independent horror film entitled "Subconscious".
Written, directed and produced by Chris Petropoulos and filmed in parts of Greece and Serbia, Subconscious is a mind bending entry in the "found-footage" horror subgenre. I absolutely adore this subgenre with all of my blackened heart! Some feel its been overused but in my humble opinion it has been under used. On further trips down the 13th floor I'll recommend original and scary as hell found footage movies such as "Subconscious".  
The protagonist of the film is a young man named Fanis played by Fanis Katrivesis. After losing his family in an accident Fanis becomes plagued by nightmares  involving a mysterious religious shrine constructed deep in the forest. Shortly after having these nightmares Fanis begins meeting women online. After meeting up with the women Fanis begins to believe that they play some part in uncovering the truth behind his nightmares. To prove his theory Fanis purchases a camcorder and films one of the women Natalie (played by the beautiful Danijela Radovanovic) on a romantic car ride to a remote cabin in the woods. What a Don Juan?!
Major selling point for watching the movie right here!
The film opens with the usual found footage disclaimer saying the footage you are about to watch was found at the scene of an unsolved crime. This is where Subconscious really differs itself from other " found footage"horror" entries, the footage looks and feels like real authentic found footage.
Most of the mainstream  "found footage" films of late have looked too clean and produced to be found footage. "Subconscious" looks rough and the footage doesn't tell simple beingging ,middle and end story its effectively nonlinear and sporadic like I imagine found footage would appear. Watching it you get a cheeky sense that you're not suppose to be watching what you are watching and should look over your shoulder for shadowy folk who don't want the film to grace your peepers. A word to the wise pay really close attention to the puking scene *DISCLAIMER* I'm not asking you to freeze the movie and sit really close to the television screen examining  poor Fanis' vomit *END DISCLAIMER*Just pay attention to when the scene happens and how it relates to the end of the film.Chris Petropoulos does something truly genius to the narrative of the film utilizing nifty edit work. Once you  piece it together *DISCLAIMER* Petropoulos himself had to explain it to me 5 times during the course of a Facebook chat *END DISCLAIMER* you'll be vacuuming brain matter off your carpet for the month! It is that mind blowing! 
 This flick is scary as hell! I was flinching and jumping out of my skin all through the final 20 minutes.  The film is a bit of a slow burn slowly introducing the viewer to Fanis and Natalie who give extremely realistic performances. They accurately display the awkwardness of two total strangers meeting for the first time and embarking on a day long road trip. It may not appear clear at first why Fanis is recording Natalie but it will ohhhhh you better believe it will! 
This film is abound with spooky going ons. Once the two love birds reach their destination prepare yourselves to be rattled to your very soul. The film utilizes simple and effective less is more scare tactics. Its the little things like Natalie mysteriously disappearing only to reappear in front of a church whispering in some unknown language that will surely give you a chill! Prepare yourselves for one helluva plot twist at the end!The viewer has gotta be on their toes watching "Subconscious". This is truly a thinking person's horror wet dream. Pay very close attention to what happens in this film especially during the car ride and of course the puking scene *DISCLAIMER* BRAIN
 MATTER CLEAN UP FOR A MONTH!* END DISCLAIMER* to further your enjoyment of the film. Its a great mystery awaiting to be solved.  
 Unfortunately "Subconscious" cannot be found on dvd or bluray yet, but fear not! You can watch the Director's Cut of the Film online (vimeo link below) and it  absolutely free! Well you may have to sell your soul....kidding! *DISCLAIMER* Or am I? *END DISCLAIMER* Enjoy my friends and say goodbye to sleeping peacefully. "Subconscious" is appropriately named because it stays deep in your mind long after watching it.

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