Monday, May 19, 2014


Welcome back wanderers! Your master with the third eye has decided to spice things up a bit on the 13th Floor. Instead of reviewing some ancient horror smut I've decided to review a flick that is hip happening and playing at the theatre near you *DISCLAIMER* Sorry to disappoint those who have come for their 70's boob fix. None will be found in this post I'm afraid but fear not tomorrow is another day muhaha*END DISCLAIMER* I've decided to dedicate this post to reviewing North America's latest entry in the monster/disaster flick "Godzilla"! 
I have been anxiously awaiting for this flick since seeing the teaser trailer earlier this year. As a much younger man I devoured the old goofy Godzilla flicks watching several back to back on a daily basis. Just couldn't get enough of watching some dude in a rubber suit take on a hundred tons of cardboard cities. Upon hearing that Hollywood was going to make another attempt at the Big "G", I was worried fans would have another "Broderick" incident on their hands. I'm hear to tell you all that you have nothing to fear because this latest entry is fan-freaking-tastic!
A large part of the film's success lies in the fact that this two hours of monster madness actually has a really decent storyline which is revealed at a comfortably slow pace.
 Opening in  1999, nuclear physicist Joe Brody (Bryan Cranston) investigates  strange patterns of atomic activity that threatens to destroy  the power plant where he and his wife (Juliette Binoche) are employed. After warning the higher ups that cataclysmic doings are transpiring, Brody is dismissed as a crack pot and his warnings are ingored *SPOILER* They were wrong *END SPOILER* Tragedy ensues....
Flash ahead Fifteen years later, Joe Brody's son Ford Brody ( Aaron Taylor Johnson) is called to Japan to bail his old dad out of Jail after he was caught snooping around the supposed "quarantine" area. Ford agrees and flies to Japan after becoming reacquainted with his estranged father the two set off to uncover the monster of all cover-ups *CONFESSION* Pun greatly intended *END CONFESSION* It appears the plant brody and his Wife were working at was really a smoke screen covering up the existence of giant insectlike monsters referred to as MUTOS (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism)
Kooky old Doc Joe Brody theorizes the two MUTOS (one male one female mind you) have been communicating to each other from across the globe via echolocation.  Little did they know that a  alpha preadator who goes by the name of Godzilla was listening in on their little echo-chats. This causes the big "G" to track these rascally creatures down and give them a proper arsewhooping!
 What was interesting to me was the film handled Godzilla  as a sort of mythic being. Instead of being the product of nuclear testing Godzilla is one of the last of his  species that existed long before the dinosaurs and that these alleged ":nuclear tests" were actual attempts to destroy the beast. Not to spoil anything but its a good thing these were failed attempts otherwise humanity would be MUTO dung by now. 
This brings me to something else I found interesting was that the filmmakers chose Godzilla to be the hero of the film rather then be the menace. This was a great shout out to the original Japanese Godzilla flicks which often showed a Godzilla fighting to save humanity.  Not too mention Godzilla hasn't looked this good in a long time! The visual effects artists did a top notch job in making Godzilla one badass beast with a hard on for havoc!
The film has a dark and menacing tone which made it an even more enthralling viewing experience. Although dark there was a sort of tongue and cheek melodramatic feel which made it fun. The film does have its weaknesses though mostly in the acting, (Aaron Taylor Johnson I'm looking at you) I realize complaining about acting and character development in a disaster flick is like complaining there are too many people smoking dope at a Grateful Dead concert but its worth noting that there is a lack of chemistry between all the human protagonists *DISCLAIMER* This being said there is great chemistry between Godzilla's feet and the MUTO's collective arses *END DISCLAIMER*.    The film's slow pace help make it a suspenseful watch. For the first 30 ought minutes we are only treated to small little hints of the title monster but let me tell you he makes one hell of an entrance. The scenes were Godzilla and the MUTOs duke it out are flippin killer and exciting scenes. Want a to have a blast at the movies go see Godzilla!

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