Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Just keep going straight til you reach a burning pentagram....THEN TURN THE HELL AROUND!!!!"

Hello Wanderers tis me the 3 Eyed Master of the 13th floor. What's the deal with my third eye you ask? That's not important right now and I will explain that whole nonsense later *DISCLAIMER* Maybe *END DISCLAIMER* What is truly important right now is that I write to you my readers about a wonderful little motion picture I just watched (Watched with all 3 eyes mind you) entitled "Race with the Devil" Fasten your seat belts minions the ride is going to get rough....

I just purchased this delightful piece of horror cinema yesterday at a local mecca of used horror goodies.  It was the title and the picture of a shotgun wielding Warren Oates that caught my interest at first. When I spun around the dvd case and read the synopsis on the back I fell head over heels over this find.  
The film centers around buddies til the end Roger (Fonda) and Frank (Oates).  In desperate need for a vacation, the two purchase an RV with the plans of heading to Aspen Colorado with their lovely wives portrayed by Lara Parker and Loretta Switt  *CONFESSION* Seeing Mrs. Switt listed in the cast was a major selling point in picking this flick up.  If you're not familiar with who she is that probably means you've never seen and or heard of MASH. If this is the case then after reading this blog you are going to do everything in your power to see it and become acquainted with Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan. *END CONFESSION*  On their way to Aspen our weary travelers pull down a deserted road and find a nice secluded spot to set up camp for the night. After dinner Roger and Frank drunkenly shoot the shit when they notice an odd scene taking place nearby.
The odd scene in question is a true honest to Lucifer Black Mass! One thing I absolutely love in horror films is a good old fashioned Satanic shindig and the one that takes place in "Race with The Devil" is truly one of the best ones these three eyes have seen. It contains all the right ingredients of a tasty horror movie Satanic ritual: Eerie chanting,black robed devil worshipping baddies,a scary ass High priest and  enough 70's boobs to cause a 24 hour long unholy stiffy!
While witnessing this ritual Frank and Roger mistakingly alert the cultists of their presence which leads to one of the film's many suspenseful chase scenes.  You read correctly my ghouls this film has absolutely batshit insane chase scenes that put French Connection and Bullit to shame!
Car chases, Satanists and Loretta Switt OHHHH MY!
"Race with the Devil" is one helluva chiller as well. My spine tingled more then once my watching this. After "escaping" the Satanists for the first time *DISCLAIMER* Escaped is in quoatation marks because little do our heroes know they really haven't escaped the devil folk *END DISCLAIMER* the gang take refuge at a campsite. To wash off the stress of being chased by cloaked Satanists in the dead of night the wives decide to take a dip in the pool.
 Why does Mrs Parker look so distressed you ask? She's distressed because she's come to realize sinister eyes are surrounding her, gazing on her with eerie interest. have they truly escaped? You'll just have to find out!
"Race with the Devil" is  a straight outta hell blast to watch! Do yourselves a favor and track this picture down if you want some Devilish thrills and chills! Hope this film enlightens you wanderers as it enlightened your Three Eyed Master. Safe travels my friends!
Egads is that a rattlesnake in the RV?!?!?!?! How did it get in there?!?!?!?!

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