Monday, February 24, 2014

Hello I would like to report strange and wonderful sounds coming from floor 12 b.......

Hello 13th floorers *DISCLAIMER* I promise  I will find a better name then "the 13th floorers"*END DISCLAIMER * Today's post is going to be a bit of a detour from what we've been discussing thus far. As well as being a horror movie enthusiast I am also a self proclaimed music addict who would love to recommend some artists you've probably haven't heard but you really need to hear.
 In essence I love something about every genre of music *DISCLAIMER* Except Dubstep! Skrillex you can stop breathing any day now.... *END DISCLAIMER* but I do have favorite genres. My daily playlists consist of Old and new school Blues Rock, Prog/Psyc rock, Doom Metal, Jam, Alt Country and folk. On some of our trips down the 13th Floor I will be discussing artists from the genre's I've listed above.

For my first music related post I'm going to give a shout out to my absolute favorite band Gov't Mule! If you're a fan of badass old school blues rock i.e Mountain, Hot Tuna, Led Zeppelin then my friend you will dig the hell out of the Mule! Beginning in the mid 90s Gov't Mule started off as a blues rock power trio. Formed by then Allman Brothers guitarist Warren Haynes  ,Allman bassist Allen Woody and Dickey Betts Band drummer Matt Abts.
As a trio the band released three studio albums (Self-titled, Dose and Life Before Insanity) and two live albums (Live at the Roseland Ballroom and Live with a little Help from our friends). The Mule in their trio years were nothing but straight up southern fried Blues rock with a dark Sabbath-esque under tone. During live performances the band would add jazz fusion laced improvisation to their sound . I consider the trio's second release "Dose" to be the best of their early recordings. Adopting a much darker tone, the band crafted blistering tunes such as Blind Man in the Dark, Game Face and Thorazine Shuffle. On the following studio release "Life Before Insanity" the Mule's sound became brighter adding elements of funk and alt rock. The album features several examples of Haynes' songwriting prowess i.e Fallen Down, Tastes like Wine and No Need to Suffer *DISCLAIMER* No Need to Suffer contains a mind imploding guitar solo. Can't say I didn't warn you. *END DISCLAIMER*.Tragically Allen Woody died of a drug overdose in February 2007.  Woody was a true God of the bass laying down apocalyptic thunder on your minds! His death led to the Deep End project which had Gov't Mule assembling prolific bassists such as George Porter Jr., Billy Cox, John Entwistle,Flea, Jack Cassady and many more to record a tribute album to their fallen Brother. After a brief hiatus Warren Haynes and Matt Abts hired Andy Hess as bassist and Danny Louis on Keyboards. 
As a newly formed quartet the Mule released three studio albums (Deja Voodoo, High and Mighty and Mighty High) In these three albums the Mule added Reggae, Jazz and prog rock to their Blues laced Sound.   "Deja Voodoo" has become my number uno favorite album of all time. I have a soft spot for it since it was the first Mule album I bought.  Warren Haynes and Matt Abts considered ending the Mule after the death of Allen Woody. Fortunately this did not happen and a whole in time and space never appeared saving us from total apocalypse......... but I digress. "Deja Voodoo" takes the dark and thunderous sound from "Dose" and the brighter funkier tone from "Life Before Insanity" and creates for one hell of a listening experience.  Highlights from this album are Slackjaw Jezebel, Lola Leaver your Light On, New World Blues and Silent Scream. After "Deja Voodoo" came "High and Mighty" which is a much heavier album then "Voodoo" (mostly due to the hiring on of Gordie Johnson as producer) Highlights Include Brand new Angel, Child of the Earth and Unring the Bell.. After the release of their experimental reggae dub release "Mighty High"Andy Hess left the band leading to hiring of Swedish Bassist Jorgen Carlsson.  
I really hope the Mule keep Jorgen on as their permanent bassist. The man is unreal and has helped evolve the Mule's sound supremely. With Jorgen the band has released two albums "By A Thread" and their most recent album "Shout!". Both albums are great. "By a Thread"  is pure hendrix-esque blues bliss. Featuring the rip roaring opening tune "Broke Down on the Brazos" which features scorching blues licks from Warren and ZZ Top guitarist Billy Gibbons, thunderous and I mean THUNDEROUS rhythm from Jorgen and Matt Abts and the eerie key work of the master Danny Louis. Other great tunes off this record are Stepping Lightly, Monday Mourning Meltdown, Inside Outside Woman Blues and scenes from a troubled Mind.
In 2013 The Mule released their most daring album yet "Shout!". To me its a daring release because it features a much evolved Mule. They still have their blues rock sound but it is no longer "old school" its "new school". Highlights are: World Boss, Forsaken Savior, Captured and Bring on the Music.  Songs such as "Forsaken Savior" and "Captured" have the Mule dabbling in alt country and the end result is amazing! "Shout!" comes with a bonus disc which features the songs of "Shout" but sung by other singers such as Dave Matthews,Dr. John, Grace Potter, Jim James, Ty Turner, Myles Kennedy and Elvis Costello. They all do the songs well but non can match the vocal power of the one Warren Haynes!
Can't recommend the Mule enough. I highly recommend youtubing their live performances. They are great on album but they are absolutely MIND BLOWING live! In one Mule show you will get three hours of Blistering blues rock and almost telepathic improvisation.  Warren is a true jedi of the guitar. On stage Haynes unleashes bluesy controlled Chaos. Matt Abts unleashes  John Bonham esque  fury on the drums. As mentioned before Jorgen Carlsson  brings the earth shaking thunder and Danny Louis hypnotizes you with his jazz laced psychedelic keys. 
They are an extremely hard working bands who pretty much never stop touring. each member of the band has their respected side projects outside the Mule as well. Check these dudes out and join the Mule heads!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

All hail the Owl Man!!!!!

Welcome back to the 13th floor! On this post I'm going to provide a service to you all.  I am going to recommend a horror flick to you *DISLCAIMER* This is to all of you who don't believe recommending a horror film is a service, this isn't a servicee that will benefit you. I'm serving a demographic.....horror fans! It just breaks my heart to think of all the horror fans out there starving for an original and scary horror flick. This is a service to those poor souls who are sick as hell of the Hollywood dream machine remaking  and often butchering classic horror films! They're doing the same to foreign horror flicks as well and this BURNS MY ASS!!!!!!!! alas that's for another adventure on the 13th floor.* END DISCLAIMER* The horror film I will be recommending to you is entitled Lord of Tears!
If you're thinking to yourself "Holy deep fried chicken burgers batman is that! you are correct! He has a name though its Moloch and he is the supernatural baddie causing all sorts of mayhem in Lord of Tears. 
Filmed in Scotland, Lord of Tears is directed by Lawrie Brewster and written by Sarah Daly. An upcoming horror prodigy. The film's protagonist is James Findlay portrayed by Euan Douglas. James is a middle aged school teacher plagued by nightmares which center around a humanoid figure with an owls head at his childhood home in the Scottish Highlands. After the death of his mother the nightmares become to intense for James to handle. Feeling the nightmares are linked to an incident of his past James returns to his childhood home to confront whatever horrors await him there.
Filmed on location in the Scotish Highlands "Lord of Tears" is an extremely original and unsettling horror film. There is more tension in on six second scene in Lord of Tears then in all the mainstream horror films playing at your local Cineplex put together! Moloch (Owlman) proves to be one of the most frightening and relentless horror villains in horror film history! Moloch is an ancient Ammonite God. The worship of Moloch is rather unpleasant due to the involvement of Child Sacrifice.
Seriously who would mess with this guy!?!?!?!
As mentioned above this film is chock full of nail biting tension. Its your classic Hammeresque gothic ghost story. The mansion, which acts as the film's primary setting, was made to have a horror film filmed in it. Just looking at it's menacing exterior send will send a shockwave of willies down your spine! The story is slow to build and it pays off with a vengeance. Full of delightfully trauma inducing imagery *DISLCAIMER* Yes Trauma inducing imagery can be delightful....referring to horror movies of course *END DISCLAIMER* Lord of Tears is a true journey into psychological terror. I really don't want to give a lot of the movie away because there is a rather great plot twist at the end of this picture. There are no spoilers on the 13th Floor *DISCLAIMER* I realize I pretty much spoiled Rosemary's baby for all the knuckle heads out there who still haven't seen it. From this point on there will be no spoilers on the 13th floor. *END DISCLAIMER* What else I find extremely appealing about Lord of Tears is the fact that its an independent film and it is the best horror film of the year! For those looking for great horror look towards the independent and foreign horror films!
Wondering how you can get your hands on Lord of Tears? Head over to to order a copy! Along with the bluray or dvd you purchase you will also receive the film's incredibly creepy soundtrack on cd and a 22 page booklet of Owlman incantations *DISCLAIMER* Way to scared to read that shit out loud *END DISCLAIMER* And if you want to splurge a bit and look dead sexy doing so order yourself a snazzy Lord of Tears T-Shirt (Pictured below) *DISCLAIMER* Yes that is me. The keeper of the 13th floor. Sexy huh? *END DISCLAIMER*
Bottom line....Buy Lord of Tears and spend a night at home with the Owlman! You won't be disappointed *DISCLAIMER* You might not me disappointed but you will be scared shitless! *END DISCLAIMER*

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Blog Lovin

Hello friends! Tis me your tour guide of the 13th floor! I realize I've only posted two blogs so far but I am absolutely loving the hell outta this! Like we're talking all 9 circles of hell kind of love! I'm hooked to this blog! I have all sorts of ghouls and gremlins floating around my mind looking for a way out. Mainly because the gremlin leading them..... BalThulack I believe was his name forgot to pack a lantern. You had one job Balthulack! Anyhoo I digress....what were we talking about again? Oh right 13th floor...wait...didn't the elevator say this is 12 b? Oh right my blog is called 13th floor duh! Alrighty enough Tom Foolery and Jack Assery back to my original point.  I've already planned out five more blogs and I know for a goddamn fact I'll think of more while writing the original five! *Cue eye of the Tiger* *DISCLAIMER* 13th Floor couldn't afford the rights for Survivor's Eye of the Tiger. But we found a youtube vid of some middle school playing it at a talent show...enjoy! *END DISCLAIMER*
If you didn't gather from my original post that I am a horror film fanatic then I'll just say this to you.....I AM A HORROR FILM FANATIC!!!! I thought it was best my first blog be about my favorite horror film of all time. There are several others I will be talking about i.e Lord of Tears (next Blog!) Kill List, Curse of the Devil. I also plan on doing a future blog dedicated exclusively to found footage horror films (My favorite sub genre). A lot of the films I will be talking about aren't well known and they really should be because they are making horror moviemaking an art form. *DISCLAIMER* Thought I should tell you all this in advance,. I do plan on a blog dedicated to Ruggero Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust. Just wanted to say in advance it isn't one of the ones that should be more well known * END DISCLAIMER*
I plan on talking about other genres as well such as Spaghetti westerns, old school Kung -Fu, Sci-Fi,Sasquatch *DISCLAIMER* Yes Sasquatch is a genre of film....well its not really But it should be! *END DISCLAIMER*
I also want to post Blogs dedicated to music.  Recommend to you all bands you haven't heard but you need to here if you ever want to achieve spiritual enlightenment. For starters My absolute favorite band in the world is Gov't Mule. They are straight up badass Blues rock and more people need to be listening to them! Other bands I will be mentioning : 13th Floor elevators (shocking I know),Brian Jonestown Massacre, Electric Wizard.
So this is all just a rundown of what's to come our way on the 13th floor. Can't wait!
Best picture EVER!!!!!!

See you in Hell Mrs. Gardenia! Why Rosemary's Baby will always give me the willies!

Hello friends and welcome back to the 13th floor. I see some of you were too afraid to face the Sasquatches and decided "Gee willikers where can I go to getaway from the sasquatches huffed up on speed and Viagra! Ah fuck it I'll just go back to that 13th floor. That  John dude seemed to have a good thing going on there *DISCLAIMER* My name is John and yes I know what's going on*END DISCLAIMER*

So lets get the party started on the 13th floor. If 11 and 12 aren't calling the cops we're doing something wrong *DISCLAIMER* If you are wondering if reading some dude's rant about Rosemary's baby counts as a party..... the answer is yes. So are  you going to join my party or go join the sasquatches? I hear they loooooove to partay ;)*END DISCLAIMER* 
 Assuming y'all just don't skip the disclaimers. Really doesn't matter to me if you do *DISCLAIMER* Yes it does *END DISCLAIMER*you would have read that the following will be me gushing about my absolute favorite horror movie Rosemary's Baby! It has everything: awesome plot, scary psychedelic score, scary old people (when are they not) and a cameo of old scratch himself *DISCLAIMER* I'll save you the Wikipedia trip "scratch" is one of the many aliases of Satan aka Lucifer aka Kenny G *END DISCLAIMER*. Just as a heads up this blog will probably only make sense to those who've seen it but if you haven't seen it *DISCLAIMER* Why do you hate life? *END DISCLAIMER* and don't mind spoilers feel free to read on. But you know  SEE THIS FUCKING MOVIE!!!!!!!!
I just want to talk about why I feel Rosemary's Baby is possibly the scariest psychological horror film of all time! Be warned this film has a 13th floor. The film's 13th floor is its dark and menacing plot. What makes it 13th floor worthy is you need trained yes to really get the plot of this film. Rosemary's baby activel engages you. It invites you into its world. It invites you to solve for yourself what is happening to poor Rosemary.To start things off and for the benefit of those who haven't seen the movie *DISCLAIMER* Who hurt you? *END DISCLAIMER* I'll give a rundown of the story. Roman Polanksi's *DISCLAIMER* Yes that Roman Polanski *END DISCLAIMER* Rosemary's baby tells the story of Guy (John Casavettes) and Rosemary (Mia Farrow)Woodhouse pictured below.
Guy and Rosemary have just moved into a swanky new apartment of the very luxurious Bramford. Shortly after moving in they meet the Castavettes who are superbly portrayed by Ruth Gordon and Sydney Blackmere! The old couple are very intrusive on Guy and Rosemary's life and try desperately to make friends with the young couple. Little do the e love birds know the Castavettes are actually members of a Satanic  cult who nominate Rosemary to become the mother of the anti-Christ *DISCLAIMER* I just want to send a little shout out to Satan. Dude its pretty rough you're followers chose Mia Farrow to be your baby mama. Did they not tell you about Ursula Andress? Doubt she'd ever accuse you of molesting your adopted daughter (too soon?)  *END DISCLAIMER* What struck me about Rosemary's Baby when I first saw it was the ever so prevalent sense of dread that carries on throughout the picture. Is Rosemary having the pre baby crazies? or is she right in assuming a satanic cult has an agenda for her unborn baby? The dizzying camera work and mind piercing score greatly contribute in the making of the dread.  Something else I love about this movie  is the subtle way the plot unfolds. Instead of just telling you the plot it shows you it.  It engages you and makes you look for it.  This movie takes more then one showing to really appreciate its subtle nature. For those who have seen the movie and those who are reading this after succumbing to my guilt trips via disclaimer and are reading this in the near future *DISCLAIMER* It better be fucking near! *END DISCLAIMER*  after finally watching the film *DISCLAIMER* yes I am speaking to you in the future I can do that *END DISCLAIMER* I'm going to blow you're minds! I'm going to show you key elements you probably missed in your viewing of Rosemary's Baby. These elements will help make the film settle deep into the dark recesses of your minds and make it a much more creepy viewing experience in future viewings.
 *SPOLIER ALERT* I'm going to explain the title of this blog in the following paragraph *END SPOILER ALERT* You probably are wondering who the Gardenia broad in the title of this blog is referring too. You are wondering this because you lied and didn't watch the movie! Yes I'm talking to you! I can see you now in my minds eye, all smug, reading this blog thinking "fuck that guy I'm not watching Rosemary's Baby!" GO WATCH THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!
Now for all those who've watched it Mrs. Gardenia is the old lady who lived in the apartment before Guy and Rosemary. While being shown the apartment by the landlord Guy and Rosemary learn Miss Gardenia died after falling into a coma.  When they're being shown the apartment Rosemary finds a letter on a desk. A letter written by Mrs. Gardenia. We're not shown all the letter just a small snippet reading "I can no longer associate myself." Who was Mrs. Gardenia  breaking away from? Lets jump ahead. Later in the film  its revealed that all the tenants of the Bramford are Satanists which leads me to believe Mrs. Gardenia was a member as well. Other clues to this lie in the fact that its mentioned that Gardenia grew herbs for Minnie Castavette and the Castavettes apartment and Mrs. Gardenia's apartment are connected by a doorway disguised as a closet. This all leads to assume that Mrs. Gardenia wanted nothing to do with the kooky Satanists and in return the cult killed poor Mrs. Gardenia! It wasn't until a recent viewing that I pieced together how they killed her. Lets jump to another part of the film. Remember Hutch?
Remember he died after slipping into a coma too? Just so happens ole Hutch died mysteriously after finding out a little too much about the  cult.  In a book left to Rosemary by Hutch Rosemary learns that covens will often perform rituals to kill their enemies telepathically.  On past viewings I never clued in that Hutch wasn't the only one who died this way. Mrs. Gardenia did as well after wanting to leave the cult.  Really surprises me after countless times watching this movie I never pieced that together. When I clued in a delightful shiver went down my spine.
As mentioned above poor Rosemary is unknowingly carrying the spawn of Satan. Its not known to her but it is known by the audience. The plot against Rosemary is told through several subtle and one not so subtle plot points*DISCLAIMER* Yes the scene where Rosemary and Scratch get it on is the not so subtle plot point *END DISCLAIMER*.
We first learn of the Castavettes from Terry Ginofrio a woman Rosemary's age living with the Castavettes.  Terry recounts for Rosemary all the kind deeds the Castavettes have performed for her and even shows Rosemary a pendent given to her by Minnie Castavette. Inside the pendent is something called Tannis Root which gives off a foul odour but apparently gives good luck to all who wear it.
One night in bed Guy and Rosemary hear the Castavette's arguing. All that can be heard is Minnie Castavette yelling "We shouldn't tell her". The following night Guy and Rosemary return home from a date to see police officers and a crowd standing around their apartment building. Upon approaching the crowd they learn that terry had jumped to her death. This is where Guy and Rosemary first meet Minnie and Roman aka Steven Marcato ;). To me Minnie and Roman don't appear to be grief-stricken by Terry's death. They appear more frustrated. Terry was more to them then just a good deed. They needed her for something. Their frustration seems to fade upon meeting Rosemary ( a woman the same age as terry). One of my favorite scenes in the film follows. Rosemary has a dream she's back at the Catholic school she attended as a little girl. A nun is yelling at her but it doesn't appear to be the nun's voice. The voice we're hearing belongs to Minnie Castavette in the next apartment yelling at her husband. She's yelling "I know we shouldn't have told her. She wouldn't be open minded" The her here being Terry Ginofrio.  So what's forming  in your mind here is that Minnie and Roman want Terry for a purpose a dark purpose. A purpose so dark after hearing of it Terry choses to take her own life.  Something else interesting said by Minnie is "We have start from square 1". After that night Guy and Rosemary go to the Castavettes for dinner.  Pay attention to the walls of their apartment in this scene. I realize its revealed by Rosemary later that its visible the Castavettes took paintings off their walls but you can actually see the spots on the walls where they've done so! Another great hint.  Later after a very awkward dinner Minnie and Rosemary and washing the dishes in the kitchen leaving Guy to talk with Roman in the living room. Look at the picture below. Minnie and Rosemary have joined their husbands in the living room. Its obvious the two men have been talking about what we're not 100% sure. Look at Guy's face in this scene. He looks shocked. Its a look of fright mixed with great intrigue. Kudos to John Casavette's in this role. I should mention that Guy is a struggling actor wishing to make it big in show business and is willing to do anything to do so. Has Roman told him of a way he can become famous and say goodbye to filming commercials for the rest of his life? I like to think its here Roman fills Guy in on what they plan to do to Rosemary. The next night Guy goes over to the Castavettes claiming he wants to hear more of Roman's stories. While Guy is doing this Rosemary is visited by Minnie and her friend Lara Louise. Its here where Minnie gives Rosemary the charm that once belonged to Terry.  Why is she giving it to her?  Later on Guy returns home. To me he appears drunk and full of nervous energy. What I imagine is Guy went over to the Castavettes to learn  more about being husband of the year by selling his wife to the devil. I don't believe Guy is 100% convinced this is legit so he demands proof that Roman's cult can actually make things happen with the voodoo that they do.
  Guy recently auditioned for the a role but lost the role to a fellow actor. After his visit with Roman the actor he lost the role too mysteriously goes blind. We learn later the cult needs one of the victims possessions in order to successfully curse someone. Later we found out the actor lent Guy his neck tie *cue twilight zone music* How convenient  the actor you lost your role too has gone blind and now you get to take his place. I feel Guy asked Roman for proof of his cult's power. The actor going blind was the proof. Shortly after hearing the news Guy says he's leaving the apartemtn to take a walk. Although its not shown I believe he went back to the Castavettes  and told them he's seen enough and will help them bring the anti-Christ to earth. A giveaway to this is Guy's unusual eagerness for him and Rosemary to have a baby. The couple even plan a night to film the making of feature ;) After their romantic candlelit dinner this evening Minnie comes to the door. Guy goes to greet her leaving the camera focused on Rosemary sitting alone at the table. We hear Guy and Minnie talking if you listen carefully you can hear Minnie whisper something to Guy. Guy returns with two bowls of chocolate mousse made by Minnie. Rosemary begins to eat hers but halts after finding it has a "chalky" under taste. We later learn the mousse is loaded with Devil roofies. Guess we know what Minnie was whispering to guy. Something a little like "I put the roofies in the mousse" Really wish you all could hear me say that in Ruth Gordon's voice. For those who know what awaits Rosemary after she eats the mousse star screaming "Don't eat it!" at your television screens now. The ritual scene in this movie is one of the scariest scenes of all time!  Think about it you're having a nice romantic evening with your significant lover *DISCLAIMER* I will never use the word "partner" to refer to someone's wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend *END DISCLAIMER*Your kooky ole neighbor brings over some chocolate mousse you eat feel all wonky, fall asleep to dream about being on a yacht with JFK and all his democratic cronies. Not bad right? But wait you're noticing something. Once in a while you're catching glimpses of naked old people (The Horror!) standing around you and their chanting in some creepy language. In this scene Roman Polanski expertly recreates the feeling of being in a waking dream.  Rosemary fades between being on a yacht with JFK to the horrific reality of rocking the casbah with the devil himself. Majority of the scene is filmed in first person view putting the viewer right in Rosemary's place creating a sense of hyper reality to further burn this scene onto your mind.
                                                 Lucifer's got some pretty dreamy peepers eh ladies?
What else is rather striking about this film is its one of the first indicators in the film to tell us we're watching as horror movie.  Up until this point the film has a Doris day feel to it.
Guy and Rosemary seem like the perfect American couple trying to get their own piece of the American dream.  What's startling as well is after the ritual scene the film continues on its path but after witnessing what happened to Rosemary there is a darkness present. Something evil lurks under the surface as Guy and Rosemary continue to live their lives.A sort of chalky under taste one might say *DISCLAIMER* Don't get the reference? SEE THE MOVIE!!!! *END DISCLAIMER* So its clear now Terry Ginofrio was originally suppose to be the devil's baby mama. Discovering her fate Terry takes her own life. This is a theme I love whether it be cinema or literature. The theme of dangerous knowledge. Knowledge that's so dangerous to your sense of reality you're not 100% sure you can handle it. Terry killing herself is a great example of this. Think about it she could have just run away. Surely it can't be that hard to dodge a geriatric satanic cult. But she doesn't. For what was revealed to her didn't only change her view on the Castavettes. It changed her entire world view. She's seen what evil lurks around in this life and choses to just end it. There's no escaping it. She can never un hear what she heard of un see what she saw.
That is my main argument as to Why Rosemary's Baby is so great. Its ability to tell its story without actually sitting the viewer down holding their hand and telling them what its about.  The plot of this film unfolds in the viewers subconscious. You're watching the actions take place. Taking in all the little clues and piecing it together yourself. Don't you feel smart? 
 As the film progresses its loses its dreary soap opera feel and the darkness that once hid under the surface comes out in full force.  The lighting and cinematography becomes much darker and the score becomes more chaotic and nerve tingling. Really hope my rant helped you appreciate this film a little more and for all of you who still haven't watched it * DISCLAIMER* Knuckleheads *END DISCLAIMER*  WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you next time on the 13th floor friends!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Step onto the 13th floor

 Welcome weary web wanderers to the 13th floor! Before we get to business I want to turn away all of you coming here expecting a fan page dedicated to the 1990 ought sci-fi thriller the Thirteenth Floor. Sorry for the disappointment......  Hey wait where the hell do   you think you're going?! I'm not turning you away oh wait did I say I was going to turn you away? Oh looks like I did...... million apologies.
So....if this blog isn't about Josef Rusnak's masterpiece *DISCLAIMER* I personally don't see the film as a masterpiece. Its been years since I've seen it but I can't recall getting a masterpiece vibe from it. I had to imdb to find the directors name *END DISCLAIMER* Then what the hell is this blo entitled the thirteenth floor all about. For starters its spelt the 13th floor ya knucklehead *DISCLAIMER* I freaking love calling people knuckleheads *END DISCLAIMER* 
 To start things off I'm going to lay some knowledge on y'all. Buildings will often have their thirteenth floor renamed i.e 12 b due to the superstitious nature surrounding numero thirteeno *DISCLAIMER* I don't know Spanish *END DISCLAIMER*. This blog is sort of a 13th floor of the internet. Now I'm not calling it THE 13th floor its a 13th floor. Truth is you've been to many 13th floors  they just weren't called 13th floors so how could you know? My blog is called the 13th floor you're no longer on 12b my friends.
Now that I've explained the title hoping  not all of you buggered off during or after my trippy interlude there. *DISCLAIMER*  To those who buggered off escape is futile! First you'll need to get through a forest infested with sasquatches  huffed up on speed and Viagra.....think about it.   If you survive that and find the only row boat off this island *DISCLAIMER WITHIN DISCLAIMER* The 13th floor is an island. Sit on that for a bit *DWD CONCLUDED* I got one word for you Cthulhu. Don't know what that is google image that shit *END DISCLAIMER*
I'm going to tell you what you'll find here. On the 13th floor you're going to be treated to my ramblings and going ons in film, music, television, literature, alien abduction stories, paranormal what have yas etc * MONDO DISCLAIMER* I have very very VVVVVVVERRRRRRYYYYY strange tastes * MONDO DISCLAIMER CONCLUDED*  Here I'm going to introduce you to what I refer to as 13th floor movies. 13th floor movies can be divided into two categories there are the 13th floor films you need to watch because they will blow your mind to smithereens! The other type of 13th floor films are a different story I wouldn't recommend them to just anyone. They're flicks you like but you wouldn't admit you like it in a million gagillion years because they're morally ambiguous at best. No fear though I'll inform you which category the film falls under. Now I was going to list off all the other what nots I'm going to be talking about on this blog but I'll get repetitive. So sit back relax and enjoy your walk down the 13th floor ;)